Bioman Episode 14

We see that Miura getting a new switch after the flashback as the switch already goes into Last One since he did unlock that power from before. Thanks to the roids though they get the switch out of his hands as Gen is yelling for Miura to stop. Scorpio there says he was too late still as Miura would have clicked the switch this means that no matter what he will do Miura still wants power. She makes a deal with Miura then to meet him where she gave him the switch the first time. After she leaves Gen tries to help him get out of this struggle, but Miura pushes him away with his reason of wanting power and that Gen will never understand him. Gen doesn't say anything back as Miura walks away saying he will press the switch countless times. Sonoda then appears as she acts like she doesn't know what's going and ask about Miura as she hides her switch behind her back. After more little scenes of the movie which got number 1 in box office this week! We see Gamou giving congrats to Sonoda for getting Miura back into the switches. Gamou even says that no one would expect a teacher being a zodiart so there could be more teachers with switches. He knows about Fourze though as he gives Sonoda a boost which is called Supernova. When he starts to leave she starts to praise him and promising to crush anything in the way.

  1. Bioman Episode 14 Dub
  2. Bioman Episode 14 Eng

Bioman Episode 14 Dub

Meanwhile Gen feels like crap as he still needs to help Miura and he starts to search for me by any means. During his talk with other students Sonoda comes up to him saying she could have information on Miura. The two go to a dark room where Gen tries to look for any info, but Sonoda goes into Scorpion and attacks Gen. He tries to defend himself, but her stinger gets into him as she says that he will not get in the way of the Horoscopes. What she did was inject a deadly, but slow poison into him to make sure he suffers before his death. We go to the teachers where Oosugi has a picture of himself with a cut out image of Sonoda on it (creepy much) as she enters into the room and she is very happy. Hayami then asks about the situation of Miura and by her words everything is going fine. Yuuki is then running out of the school to probably go to the Rabbit Hutch as Mari wants to see Gen for trying to help as she gives Yuuki a collecting of pictures. Then she gets to the Rabbit Hutch and sees Gen in pain as Kengo talks about who are the Horoscopes as he suspects that they are the ones spreading the switches around. Kengo is looking at the toxic in Gen as Miu wants to plan for a counter attack. Also the only hope seems to be the Medical switch, but only Gen can use the switches. Tomoko then jumps onto the computer to help as she wants to save Gen and soon brings up an image of using the switch, but not while transformed. As a device would have to be used to use the switch and it will be a life risking task. Everything seems set, but for some reason Gentaro left!
  1. This line was translated by Love X Care in their first episode of Turboranger. The solider awnser “It’s embarassing”. The Goggle Ribbons!” 14:15= It’s not ” Goggle Burn”, it’s “Ribbon Spark”. The attack was used two times in Gokaiger. 14:45= The font changed again.
  2. Saison 1 il y a 8 mois. Saison 1 il y a 8 mois. Saison 1 il y a 8 mois. Saison 1 il y a 8 mois. Saison 1 il y a 8 mois. Bioman saison 1 episode 50 en streaming complet gratuit. S1 E50 Science-Fiction & Fantastique, Action & Adventure 1984 25 min.
  3. In episode 14, we have Hikaru befriending the Neural Brain which paid off since he helped them defeat Anchor Kans at the cost of his life. In episodes 19-20, we are introduced to Prince who in the second half is revealed to be a human-like android created by Dr. Man to be his 'son'.
  4. Choudenshi Bioman is a 20 minute action-adventure-science fiction starring Ryōsuke Sakamoto as Shirou Gou (Red1), Mayumi Tanaka as Mika Koizumi (Yellow4, 1st, alternate voice) and Naoto Ota as Shingo Takasugi (Green2). The series premiered on Sat Feb 04, 1984 on TV Asahi and Goodbye, Peebo (S01E51) last aired on Sat Jan 26, 1985.
Bioman episode 14 putlocker
Jake then is searching for info on Miura as well as he sees Gen in pain and he was freaked out. We then see Miura going to the roof of the school where this was the first time he got the switch. Before Sonoda gets there though Gen and Jake talk with Miura. He does wonder about Gentaro, but he is mostly brushing off because he wants to help. Jake mentions about his life being in danger, but not keeping a promise would kill his soul. Miura though shoves him away and the pictures scatter on the floor and he sees the one of him smiling. He remembers the time when he was just polishing footballs to get on the team and how much he was smiling. All seems fine, but Jake gets stung by Scorpio! She then hits both of them off the building and luckily Shun comes in with the Power Dizer to save them. She then uses the Supernova to transform into a much bigger form and fights Shun. Getting knocked around then, Shun gets out of the machine and dodges a fatal blow, but he was still stung. The three are unable to move as Dustards kidnap Miura and bring him to a common spot for toku series. The rest of the gang shows up and Kengo got the device ready as he uses it with the Medical switch.

Bioman Episode 14 Eng

Choudenshi Bioman Episode 14. 0.0/10 from 0 users. Choudenshi Bioman Episode 15. 0.0/10 from 0 users. Choudenshi Bioman Episode 16. 0.0/10 from 0 users.

Back with Miura who has a switch directly in his face as he wishes to smile like he did before, wanting power to refuse the switches, and go back to school to have fun. Miura refuses the switch now as Scorpio tires to kill him, but Gen jumps in and kicks her away. After doing the club handshake with Miura as Gen transforms into Fourze and uses the Medical switch to give Yuuki the antidotes for Shun and Jake. He goes into Elek form and Dustards jump in to attack him. Having some issues he goes into Fire States and blasts the Dustards away with the Limit Break as Scorpio uses Supernova again. The big Scorpio knocks Gen out of the Fire States form as the powers of Supernova have the same readings of an exploding star! Gen uses the Power Dizer to shoot Scorpio into the sky and knocks her into space with the bike. He tries to finish her off with the Rider Rocket Drill Kick, but he was easily shoved away. Using it again though makes the attack much more powerful and finishes Scorpio off and knocks her back to the Earth as the team watches from a telescope. After he safe landing with the Parachute switch as he tries to find out who was Scorpio. What he sees though in the crater is himself as a new zodiart appears and takes the body. For failing, Sonoda's switch is taken away as we find out that Hayami the the Libra zodiart as he will take command now. We see that Miura is back at school and hearing in Sonoda's thoughts she wants her switch back. Gen tries to get another new member for the club, but Miura rejects that offer since he is with the photography club now to take picture of Mari's smiles. We then hear Gen wanting some love as well as Miu makes a joke saying a girl from space would be a good match (Foreshadowing).Bioman episode 14 dub
Alright this review is much shorter this time, but hopefully when we get into much bigger parts of Fourze I don't write over ten paragraphs. Anyways this is another great episode as we see Gen is a die hard who will always keeps his promise even with some challenges. I still like that the identity of Scorpio hasn't been revealed to the heroes yet as it will be interesting to see Sonoda interact now without her switch. Sonoda is easily a threat and she is only one of the Horoscopes as Hayami is now going to step in and seeing how harsh Sonoda was this episode Hayami could be a much bigger threat. The episode also gives us insight that teachers are zodiarts and we know Oosugi isn't one. The interaction with the gang is always good, but a little predictable since they wanted to save Gen's life, but who wouldn't save a friend. The fight was great as we even see more potential for Fourze's powers with the new finisher. Overall even with this episode being predictable, Sonoda was great as she wasn't afraid to kill anyone in her way and seeing the team in a big life or death situation. The episode gets an A. I will also mention this I was thinking Kengo was going to be Fourze for this episode by the previews, but oh well it makes sense that he didn't, since he can't.
Next Week: Glee and Kamen Rider?
I know the last review I did was for Go-Busters, but since this is the series first two parter I wanted to finish it. Well the story begins where the first part ended with the new Hornroid coming out and fighting the team. His attacks work immensely this time as Red and Blue Buster's Morphin Braces are destroyed by the sound waves. Yoko isn't affected by this for some reason, but she soon starts to power down. When she hides to get a boost from her candy the Hornroid finds her and takes her hostage. He takes Yoko with him and the Busters lost this battle. Back at the base they get a call from the Hornroid saying if they get in the way of the Megazord Yoko will be killed. At first it seems the team is focusing on the Megazord and this starts to worry Nakamura and she tries to change her mind by showing what Yoko's big surprise was. It was a birthday party for the Buddyroids since it is the day when they were first operational. Hiro and Ryuji are moved by this, but they were planning to save Yoko anyways, all they have to do is save her before the Megazord appears. The two heroes sneak into the building and get a plan to disguise Hiro as Enter. It works for a little while, but the Hornroid catches on because of Hiro's heartbeat. A quick attack is needed as they do and Yoko is given a little boost. She escapes and now before two minutes they need to finish the roid and they do so. Now they fight the enemy Megazord and use their mechs at first, but soon combine into Gobuster-oh to finish it off. The team continue on with the party for the roids and even though it isn't a surprise anymore things still went greatly. Where is the commander though? We finally find out what he has been doing as he meets the new Buster and his Buddyroid!
Bioman episode 14 episode

First thing I want to mention is that Enter didn't appear at all in this episode. It really felt odd to not see him at all. It would have made the scene with Hiro dressed up as Enter a much funnier is the real Enter actually saw it. The episode doesn't feel as rushed as the last part as things run more smoothly, but the mech fights are still going way too quickly. A lot of other things went well in this episode like how the Hornroid was. This one was more of a challenge because of his shock waves. The reason why his shock waves did so much damage to two of the Busters is because of the last roid. His shock waves are simply like an add on and when the second when is applied it will hurt the target. Yoko wasn't hit by the first one so that is why she could fight on. Which brings me to another point with the kidnapping it makes sense since Yoko could have easily make the fight a win so getting her was smart. Sadly I don't think the Hornroid noticed at all because he just finds her when she was recharging. I like it that he quickly thought of a new plan, but I was hoping he would plan the kidnapping because he noticed Yoko wasn't affected by his attacks. In the next fight the Busters are immune to the sound waves because the two got their Braces fixed. It was a quick fight, but it works because it was meant to be one. They needed to finish him off quickly so that they can fight the Megazord. Now onto the Megazord fight, it was short, but still good. I liked seeing that the team remembered about the shock waves and they quickly cancel it out with Ryuji's own shock waves. Overall the roid was used somewhat right, but he got lucky and then he is easily defeated. The fights were good with the first one showing that the team can still pick up after themselves even when injured because Hiro still fights even with a broken brace and visor. They even got a comeback for a while, but then Yoko got kidnapped. The second fight was the best showing the great teamwork of the team and the mecha fight helps with that as well.
Something else that was well done is how the heroes were reacting to the situation. I liked seeing them still thinking about the operation and their teammate at the same time. Hiro and Ryuji were even reflecting on the past hours and it was nice to see Hiro realizing his mistakes because of what he said to Yoko in the last episode. Ryuji even cried a little when he saw the surprise which supports his brotherly image, showing that he is happy of what Yoko was doing. I loved watching when the two went to save Yoko because this is their first sneak in mission. We usually see them look around or when they enter a building they attack when an enemy is spotted. This is the first time where they have to enter without being spotted. It was a nice change of pace for the heroes showing some more of the spy motif. The Buddyroid interactions were nice, but not as good as last episode. Their scenes were pretty quick this time with Usada freaking out and Gori helping out with maintenance. Nick didn't do much which felt a little odd, but oh well he was still around at least. One thing I always liked it how Mori kept noticing that the commander wasn't around. A great point for the roids is when they jump into action and help the team. It shows that he is an important part of the team, but it was nice to see the other two working without him. Nakamura also stepped out a little because she worried for Yoko. It's just nice to see characters like these interact like friends, mostly the spy shows and movies always punish people who try to make friends or further relationships.
One final thing to talk about is the new Buster. This is Beet Buster and he is played by Hiroya Matsumoto who was Magiyellow. First thing for sure is that he sounds different and we didn't get to see what he looks like, but his personality jumps out already. He reminds me of Basco a little because of his arrogant behavior. By the sound of it his acting seems somewhat better, but I will wait when we see his face. The design looks pretty good a nice gold color and having the usual black like the other Busters. The helmet stands out because of the horn and by the previews for the next episode their weapons looks interesting. With his Buddyroid Stag J he is voiced by a good actor. Sadly we didn't hear much from him, but this is Yuichi Nakamura the voice actor who does the voice for Hazama in Blazblue. At first when I heard about this I thought it was going to be Yuuto, but I quickly realized it wasn't. Stag looks impressive and his appearance is much better than the other roids IMO. Since he will be more of a combat roid he already looks ready for battle than the other three and gold and silver never fail. He also has a nice addition of black for his body so overall his design works greatly.
Overall this episode was very strong even without Enter. Thanks to strong bonds between the characters and a pretty good villain. The fights were quick, but worked with building suspense and a dynamic feel. Also the episode gets me pumped for the new Busters. So I give it an A- because even though the villain was good he mostly got the upper hand because of luck, but the pacing is a lot better than in the last episode.
Next Time: It's time for new Busters!