Demon Train Spirit Tracks

Four tracks will materialize beneath the Spirit Train, and the Demon Train will rush up from behind you through a large green portal, roaring menacingly, signifying the start of Malladus’s final struggle for dominance in this world of good. The Demon Train is about to come at you, full force – so be ready! The Demon Train. Four tracks will materialize beneath the Spirit Train, and the Demon Train will rush up from behind you through a large green portal, roaring menacingly, signifying the start of Malladus’s final struggle for dominance in this world of good. The Demon Train is about to come at you, full force – so be ready! The Demon Train.

Link`s Blacklist: The Demon Train Boss from Zelda: Spirit Tracks

This is the Demon Train, a Boss in The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks, and one of the largest enemies, Link ever had to fight!

LukeTheRipper from Poland, the artist behind the first Demon Train entry in Link`s Blacklist mentioned that this piece caused problems for him since he was still practising drawing mechanical things so it was quite the challenge for him.

The Demon Train is a Boss in Zelda:Spirit Tracks from the Dark Realm.

Link and Zelda have to battle each cart of the train, these have weapons like lasers and cannons!

It is used by Chancellor Cole and Malladus, after being defeated Link has to fight the two as well as the possessed Zelda on top of the Demon Train.

Spirit Tracks Demon Train Battle Theme


Spirit Tracks Demon Train Theme

  1. Spirit Tracks is the second title to hit the Nintendo DS. The game takes place one hundred years after the close of Phantom Hourglass and contains all new mythology and folklore. Like its predecessors, Spirit Tracks makes use of a long distance traveling method. This time around, the method of transporation is the oft-forgotten vehicle, the train.
  2. Game - The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks Platform - Nintendo DS Series - The Legend of Zelda Composer - Koji Kondo.
  3. Drawfee - Demon Train Like us on Facebook! Claim Authorship Edit History. About the Uploader. Treasurer & Orator & Collection Butler.