Mech X4 Seth Harper

Seth Harper is a character from Disney XD's MECH-X4 who is the wealthy CEO of Harper Futuristics. Secretly, he serves as the main antagonist of Season 1 under the codename The Leader. Harper is behind the genetic engineering of various mutant monsters to lay waste to humanity so that he can bring about a new paradise free of pollution. Disclaimer: I do not own Disney/XD's Mech-X4. Ryan Walker high-fived his teammates as Seth Harper's dinosaur monster exploded into a puddle of ooze. Finally, their troubles were over. At last, they could go home and relax. But amidst the puddles of orange slime sliding down the street a hand rose, summoning other bits and pieces to its call. Troll: To distract Harper's monster from causing more destruction and buy time to bring in MECH-X4, Spyder mocks Seth Harper from the ground, using the Bounce Belt to protect himself when Seth inevitably gets mad and tries to stomp him. Veracity Harris's loathed scientific rival who competed with him for the Harper Grant. Let's Call It Mech-X4! (first seen) Listed below on the page is a List of Monsters, either created by Seth Harper or Principal Grey. The Return Of Seth Harper: a Mech-X4 Fan Fiction. Grace 20 stories Summary. I Don't Own Any Of The Names Or The TV Series, @ Copy-Write. Seth Harper Is Back and He's.


Yet another show I am a fan of, here's an idea I came up with for Season 2! I CAN HARDLY WAIT! I hope you guys enjoy the first chapter! HUGE thank you to Stardust16 for saying she would read this if I wrote it!


Mech X4 Seth Harper

Disclaimer: I do not own Disney/XD's Mech-X4.

Mech X4 Seth Harper

Ryan Walker high-fived his teammates as Seth Harper's dinosaur monster exploded into a puddle of ooze. Finally, their troubles were over. At last, they could go home and relax. But amidst the puddles of orange slime sliding down the street a hand rose, summoning other bits and pieces to its call. A larger shape began to form and rose from the ground. Seth Harper sighed as he brushed the ooze from his body. True, bonding with the ooze had most likely saved his life, but he despised the pollution within his body. Still, he shrugged it off. He would forge an antidote after he got his revenge. And he knew just where to start.

Seth quietly snuck up to the Walker house, using his newfound abilities to slide through the air ducts. He peered in on Grace's room, finding it empty. She was out of town for a food truck convention. Mark snored heavily in his bed, not even noticing the intruder in the vent. Finally, Seth found Ryan's room. He slid out of the vent and quickly reformed beside his bed, watching the boy's deep, even breaths as he slept. He whipped out a black cloth, and covered the boy's eyes.

'Can't have those pesky powers interfering with my plans, now, can we?' he thought.

Ryan woke immediately, startled by the presence of cloth on his eyes. Before he could say a word, he felt a piece of tape being slapped over his mouth. Ryan reached out with his power, but he couldn't see anything to activate with his mind. He felt himself being jerked out of his bed, the sheets falling to the floor, and having his hands yanked roughly behind his back. When he felt rope touching his wrists, panic set in and he tried to scream, but the tape over his mouth kept his cries silent.

Mech X4 Seth Harper Latest

'Relax, Ry-guy', Seth said quietly as he finished tying the boy's ankles. 'I'm not gonna hurt ya...yet. Go back to sleep.'

Disney Xd Mech X4

Ryan grunted as a needle was plunged into his neck. His stumbled, overcome with sudden dizziness. Seth threw Ryan over his shoulder and climbed out the window. Ryan was unconscious before they even hit the ground.

REALLY short chapter, and I do apologize, but I'm the kind of person who, when working on a new idea, likes to grab the reader's attention before diving into the story. Let's see if it worked. If it did, then I could be back very soon! If not-back to the drawing board! Rates, comments and reviews are welcome! Thank you for reading!

Mega X4 Disney
